The 3D STEAM project
Accelerating STEAM-related Knowledge and Skills via 3D Modelling and 3D Printing
The 3D STEAM (full name Accelerating STEAM-related Knowledge and Skills via 3D Modelling and 3D Printing) is an ERASMUS+ project that enriches STEAM-oriented education by new concepts of 3D Modelling and 3D Printing. Its main aims are:
- Enriching education by including a variety 3D-printing practices and examples of their application;
- Facilitating students’ creativity and teamwork by solving real-life tasks, predominantly by those formulated and developed by the learners.
To achieve these goals, the project begins with the analysis of curricula and selection of appropriate topics. Based on them, a general didactical model with teacher guidelines will be developed. It should allow to present the task and its outcomes in a unified format in order to simplify interuniversity and interdisciplinary knowledge transfer.
A variety of 3D-modelling and 3D-printing tasks will be developed and applied. The project primarily addresses pre-service teachers but the modules will also serve for training of in-service teachers as well as for general public. The main aim is to develop their knowledge and skills necessary for:
- Designing, developing and implementing teaching approaches with 3D modelling within a variety of STEAM-based technologies and related transdisciplinary approaches;
- Promoting the learning to learn approach by “learning-to-do” tasks;
- Developing a MOOC to support both teacher training and STEAM learning;
- Facilitating access to STEAM-learning thinking among educators and learners of diverse fields of science, technology and arts;
- Supporting partner countries in their efforts to integrate STEAM approaches into their curricula and teacher training.